What to pack for the hospital
- Your medical records from pregnancy
- Your ID card/passport and health insurance card
- Birth preferences/plan
- Focal point, e.g. calming photo or baby’s photo
- 2 tennis balls in a sock
- Unflavored lip balm
- Thermos with crushed ice (flavored to your taste)
- Hair clips, rubber bands, shower cap
- Toothbrush, paste and mouthwash
- Cotton socks – feet get cold in labor
- Robe and slippers
- Flip flops or waterproof shoes/sandals
- Sports bra or swimsuit top
- Bathing suit and waterproof shoes/sandals for the support person (or a change of clothes)
- Alco gel towelettes
- Hot water bottle
- Fan
- Snacks for labor (for woman, partner and often for the doula too) juice, water bottle
- Diffuser and oils
- Face cloth for wiping forehead
- Music and headphones
- Phone and charger
- Change for the vending machine
- Almond oil (provided you are not allergic to almonds)
- 2 nightgowns (with front openings for nursing)
- 2 supportive nursing bras
- Comfortable clothes (pants and t-shirts)
- Disposable panties
- Nursing pads
- Toiletries (toothbrush/paste, shampoo, conditioner, brush, chapstick, make-up, etc.)
- Witch hazel
- Glasses or contacts
- A natural laxative
- Phone numbers of people to call (e.g. lactation consultant, mine please)
- Outfit to travel home in (maternity)
- Robe and slippers
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Mittens, socks, hats
- Ring sling/carrier for babywearing
- 2 swaddle blankets
- 3 onesies
- Going home outfit
- Car seat (already installed)
- Baby care book
- Breastfeeding book