- The physiology of normal labor, birth and early postpartum
- How to optimize the hormones of labor for a smooth and safe birth
- Positioning to facilitate the normal progress of labor and birth – optimizing the position of the baby and the dimensions of the pelvis
- Comfort measures for the woman and tools for her partner to take an active role in the labor and birth
- Relaxation skills to use during pregnancy and labor
- Mindfulness tools to help the woman stay in the moment, recognizing when the mind has gone into a story (e.g. ‘what ifs’) and how to bring it back to the present
- Evidence-based information about choices in birth
- Communication skills for the pregnant woman and her partner with members of the health care team
- Guidance for the pregnant woman to make informed decisions about medical procedures, including non-pharmacological pain relief (e.g. epidurals) and cesarean birth, always focusing on how to keep birth as normal as possible even if an intervention is requested or medically necessary
- Breastfeeding and the early postpartum period
- How to cope with the baby when you bring him/her home
- Healthy lifestyles for pregnancy and the postpartum period
- A reunion once all the babies have been born. We will have an opportunity to meet all the babies and to talk about some hands-on parenting issues